Thursday, September 12, 2019

Pixie and the Green Book Mystery

Title: Pixie and the Green Book Mystery  Author: Coraline Grace  Pages: 103 Genre: Beginner Fantasy

~Review Request by Author~

     Pixie is a unique little 2nd grader that likes to read and wear apples. It's a bad day at school for poor Pixie. She races home so she can go to the library with her Mom (her favorite place). While she is there she sees a book that she hasn't seen before, this book isn't like any others. She soon meets Alice from Wonderland with that time crazed white rabbit and Cindi which is short for Cinderella. They quickly tell her that there is a  book guardian and he is trying to get them stuck in this new green book so their stories are erased forever! Cindi and Alice decide to trust their fate to little Pixie, good  thing she likes to read...but can she get them back to their books fast enough without getting herself caught by this mysterious book guardian?

I read this book with my twin 8 year old girls and they fully enjoyed it. They could relate to little Pixie and they loved the adventure she went on they can't wait for the next book in the series. I enjoyed the book and having a book that I can read to them and watch the excitement on their face was awesome as a Mom. It was lively and cute and I myself can not wait for the next book in the series to continue this bonding time with the kids and see what happens to Pixie next. So from this family Coraline is getting 6 thumbs up!!

Monday, September 2, 2019

The Diary of a Young Girl

Title: The Diary of a Young Girl  Author: Anne Frank   Pages: 268 Genre: Autobiography 

anne Frank is a typical 13 year old. she gets a diary for one of her birthday presents and is very detailed about the things that happen around her.
the detail anne puts into her diary made me feel like I was a friend and I was there with her. the drama at the annex and the tension of everyone cooped up. by the time the book ends anne is 15 and she has brilliant ideas and thoughts and knows more about herself than most adults do in this day and age. I would consider myself fortunate to be her friend.