Title: First Year of Marriage Author: Marcus and Ashley Kusi Pages: 134 Genre: Self Help
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The book has a lot of pointers and ways to check where your marriage stands and how to get it to where you want it to be. We all come from different backgrounds but when you get married you need to have a direction to go as a couple and as a new family unit.
While I read this book I felt like I was sitting in a comfortable room talking to them like you would your friends about the ups and downs about marriage. They even open up about some of the trials they had at the beginning of their marriage and how they overcame them and became a stronger couple and unit for their kids and how they communicated and changed and adapted to each other and grew! I very much enjoyed this book and it is a high recommendation for everyone to read. It isn't something I read and just put on a shelf. It is something I will read again to make sure I am where I want to be in my marriage and life.
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