Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What Waits in the Woods

Title: What Waits in the Woods  Author: Kieran Scott  Pages: 273  Genre: suspense

Callie has never been camping but at 16 if you don't do what your friends do, you are  a wimp, so camping she goes with her friends and boyfriend. Things start happening that puts everyone on edge, first and foremost they get on the wrong trail and meet up with a stranger who happens to have a cabin nearby...or does he? There are also small tidbits of journal from the killer along the way that helped move it in their mind as well. 
I am not one to typically do the suspense/horror books but in light of Halloween I thought I would give it a try. I read half the book in one evening. It is very well written and kept me at the edge of my seat. If you aren't fond of camping this is definitely a book I would recommend or its going to change it so you don't want to go camping ever again. Happy camping!

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