Title: Miitopia Game System: 3DS/2DS Game type: Casual Dungeon Crawler
You start by picking or creating your mii, you go along and instantly meet the bad guy. The villian takes faces of innocent villagers and puts them on beasts. You must defeat the beasts and monsters and the faces go back to the owner. The big faces that you see him take you have to talk to them to let them have their faces back. You upgrade armor to yourself and your party and feed them and sleep at Inns. The characters in your party interact with each other on their own and its a funny comic relief from the fighting. The closer your party gets with each other the more they will help each other in battle. Your objective is to go through and save everyone and their faces and defeat the boss.
Now keep in mind this was just the demo so I haven't been able to play it all. However I am hooked and totally need to buy it now. The demo was a load of fun. Also a cool aspect is the progress you make with the demo can transfer to your actual game if you play like I did. I beat the demo in a matter of a couple hours. I was sad to see it end. This game was well thought out and super cute and fun. Great for all ages!!