Title: Diablo 3 Game System: Xbox One X Game type: Fantasy
You create your character, you get to pick male or female along with your class. After you do that of course you get to pick your name. You follow the story line and there are some side quests along the way. The basic of the story is that Diablo has started wrecking havoc on the world and you are a nephalem and you are the only one that can stop him. With help from some people along your journey you get to not just take out Diablo but Death himself as well. After you finish the story line you are able to go through adventure mode and get some really cool gear!
This is a very well made game. Blizzard always knows how to make some of the best games. This game is on all platforms. I have it on PC and have access to it on Xbox. I love playing with other people and just questing on my own. This is a game you can play over and over and it is fun every time.