Title: Brisingr Author: Christopher Paolini Pages: 748 Genre: Fantasy
Eragon is needing to fulfill promises and he starts off by helping his cousin save the love of his life. Then he has to travel all the way to the dwarves town and help sway the vote for the new king in the favor of the Varden whom is fighting the Empire to free all the people so no one is slaves. After he helps with Dwarves he has to go and learn as much as he can about being a dragon rider and get some history of whom he really is by the elves. After all that he has to go back to the Varden as promised and go back to the war to try and save as many lives as possible.
This book is war or history of the dragons and of course Eragon himself. Without history who are we? He had to learn a lot in this part of the story and myself along the way. It did take me a while to read it was hard to keep my attention at times. It is well written just dry at some points and it was hard to focus on. It wasn't my favorite in the series by far but Christopher has always been a great author in my opinion.
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