Title: Animal Farm Author: George Orwell Pages: 141 Genre: Classic Fiction
On a farm out in the country of England, some animals get really sick of not reaping the rewards of their hard work when the humans don't do much of anything at all. One day they run the farmer off the land and call it "Animal Farm" with the promise that things would be equal and fair and come up with their own rules. Slowly, the pigs who are of course the smart ones bit by bit start taking freedoms and changing rules on the rest of the animals.
I really enjoyed this book and feel a bit ripped off that it was not something I read in high school like so many others. It does make me think of all the things going on right now with Covid-19 and the President and how little by little I feel like he is trying to rip away our freedoms and so many people are willing to blindly follow just because of his title. It's not just the President either. Religion does the same thing in some regards. It is a book I will read from time to time to remind myself not to just blindly follow the crowd and do what is right for me.