Title: Sisters One, Two, Three Author: Nancy Star Pages: 354 Genre: Fiction/Mystery
Ginger is a very worried Mother, but not just about her child she worries about everything and doesn't know how to stop. As an adult she takes care of her Mother and tries to have a relationship with her 17 year old daughter which is hanging by a thread. The tighter she held on her daughter the more her daughter slipped through her fingers. As a last attempt to connect they take a family trip to see some colleges when the secret comes out for her daughter to hear that she doesn't just have one aunt, she has 2 aunts and an uncle. This story is about the canyon a secret can make and what it can do to those we love. Ginger loses her daughter for her to "find herself" and finds out her youngest sister Callie is alive and well when they haven't spoken in 25 years the death of their Mother brings the sisters together and to remember the brother they have lost long ago.
I really enjoyed this book. I literally couldn't put it down. Maybe it has something to do with I am in a similar circumstance (other then the secrets) and I related to the sisters one way or another about what happened. When people we love die its sometimes hard to talk about them without someone getting upset. So we learn to just bite our tongues and not speak of the difficult matter. However eventually everything comes to light.