Title: Fable 2 Game System: Xbox One Game type: Fantasy
You pick if you want to be male or female and you start your story. Some of the story line can not be changed at all however you can pick how you react to things and it puts you closer to being angelic or evil. You can change your clothes but there is no armor with it. The clothes are for looks or to help you be evil, aggressive, attractive and much more. You go through and the main objective is to seek revenge on the man that kills your sister when you are just a child. You will go from being a child to a full grown adult with kids of your own if you so choose. After you defeat Lucian you have a choice to make out of three that effects the whole of Albion not just you. You can continue to play and maintain your character after you have beat Lucian.
I really enjoyed this game. I have for many years from when it came out. The graphics when it came out were amazing and very lifelike, over the years the graphics don't seem as good but for the time it was made it was fantastic! There are a lot of side quests to help you along on becoming good or evil. There is also a lot of ways to make money to help you buy the best of the best. It is obvious there was a lot of time and effort put into the game and I enjoy playing it over and over. I hope you enjoy it as well if you play. Happy Gaming!!
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