Title: Parenting with Love and Logic Authors: Foster Cline MD and Jim Fay Pages: 224 Genre: Self-help/Parenting
I was recommended this book by my sister, it is a way to parent your kids and have them be more self reliant. Instead of chastising your child for a bad grade, its about how you can have them shoulder the responsibility since its about their work and how they are paying attention at school. There are two parts to this book; the first part is about general little tidbits and giving an overview of it all. The second part is the "Pearls" where it is a small chapter about a specific problem you maybe having. It covers things like grades, peer pressure, lying, stealing, disrespect among much more.
This book went up and down with me. I enjoy getting insight from other parents and books about how to best help my kids. See if I can change how I look at something to make their lives better and mine easier, as much as it can be with kids anyhow haha! There is a bit of scripture at the beginning of this for those that want to avoid that or have more of it at home. One of the parts that got me was that the underlying message is more important then what us as parents actually say; as an example you can say that something doesn't matter to you but your tone of voice and your body language could be saying the opposite and it can really effect a child's mindset. There are some of the "Pearls" I will want to try at home to give my kids a tad more freedom and give them more responsibility. There are other things that I didn't agree with and will not be pursuing in my home. To each there own. I suppose this is why there are so many different parenting books out there. Good luck to all you parents and soon to be parents out there that decide to pick up this book!