Friday, May 1, 2015

The 5 Love Languages

Title: The 5 Love Languages     By: Gary Chapman    Pages: 209   Genre: Self-Help

Not any one marriage is perfect. There are 5 main ways to speak "love" to someone you love. This book lists them and gives you details and examples on how it has changed marriages that started out rough and because they applied the love languages how dramatically it changed for the better!
I enjoyed reading this and getting a perspective that I didn't see before. I did read some reviews that stated some of this is common sense and I agree, but sometimes you forget that people don't feel loved the same way you do. I recommend this to everyone that is going to get married or are married. Even if you don't see any problems in your relationship I would still suggest to read it because you can't go wrong with improving your relationships that mean the most to you right?