Title: Unfuck Your Brain Author: Faith G. Harper, PHD, LDC-S, ACS Pages: 196 (Audible) Genre: Self-Help
Faith starts by explaining how the brain works and does it very simply so it is easy to understand. She breaks down everything down so you aren't even overstimulated by listening to her as she speaks science.
I listened to it in one day and some of it hit home for me. I wouldn't even try to say I am the smartest in the room, I have been through things that some days I can be super mature and other days I feel like I'm a 10 year old girl again. I appreciated it that I could read/hear that feeling that way is okay. Feeling like a friend is telling me all this was a good way for me to understand it all. Learning how to deal with it all a day at a time and not feeling like you are losing your mind is a good thing. We don't need to feel this way its just about "unfucking your mind"